SEO search optimization

SEO search optimization SEO search optimization

Search engine optimization is a strategy, technology, and strategy approach to increasing the number of visitors to your site by ranking high on the search results page (SERP) - including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

GooglePageSpeed optimization

All Smart build sites are automatically optimized for Google PageSpeed when they are released and re-released.

Global CDN

Use location targeting to ensure that site visitors see content relevant to their physical location.

Free SSL

Each responsive website includes an SSL certificate that can be installed with a single click to improve your site's SEO rankings.

Dynamic service

Your website automatically responds to the type of device you are viewing (desktop, tablet, or mobile) and optimizes content accordingly to speed up load times.

Automatically index pages

Automatically include robots.txt to tell the search engine to automatically determine which pages should be indexed.


Automatically generate a site map for each site and notify the search engine which pages should be included.

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Social network sharing website image

Use Open Graph to share website images, titles and descriptions with social networks including Facebook and LinkedIn.

Alt and description tags on the image

Improve the ability of search engines to find images on websites through tags.

301 redirect

Help maintain strong SEO by redirecting old page URLs to new pages and switching from the old site to the new site.

Keywords and description

Control the keywords and descriptions of the entire site and define each page separately.

Custom page URL

All sites are automatically optimized for Google PageSpeed when they are released and re-released.
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