Community marketing

Community marketing

It is the socialization process in which individuals or groups create network communication channels with target customers through online services that are grouped by netizens. Community marketing is operated or operated through a network service media that can generate clustering effects.

Internet/community word of mouth marketing

In the brand community to create a sound marketing activities, from FB to IG, from Facebook live, e-commerce, small series of posts to brand management, gathering netizens, relying on community power to attract consumers, improve adhesion.

Ways to build a good reputation:

Establishing an online reputation is very important. The problem is that most of us don't consider our reputation, negative impacts can damage your reputation, and you need to build a good reputation. For example: When you build a house, you need a solid foundation to support the structure. The same is true of your reputation, and building a solid foundation will help it stay in good shape for a longer period of time. Let's take a look at several ways to build a good reputation online. Start building your reputation today If you're building a reputation for your business, you can start by creating a website where your potential customers can learn more about your business. Establish the foundation that will welcome new customers to your business. Encourage existing customers or customers to visit your site and post comments about the positive experiences they encounter in your business. Once you have a good positive feedback base, you won't find negative reviews. Use professional images When you own a business, you want your potential customers to see your profession. This means that your images should show professionalism on any social media or online profile. The picture is the easiest to express at first glance, but as long as it shows the positive aspects you want to display to form a positive online reputation. If you don't have your own professional photos, then please invest in some, because the first picture customers see is what they think of. The first impression is really important, so make sure you do it well. Declaring your domain name If other companies or individuals own and you own, your customers may incorrectly visit the wrong website. An unsatisfied customer will mistakenly visit your website and give you a bad review, not another business. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you have any domains that are associated with your name or company name. This also includes social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google , LinkedIn, Tumblr and Pinterest. Using social media platforms to publish via Google is a great way to get a higher SEO ranking. When you perform a Google search, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will also rank quite high, so using these accounts will help build your reputation. Be sure to fill out the personal information on these social media sites to help you better understand your expertise and brand. Be the authority in your area of expertise to ensure that you participate in a conversation about your field to show that you are familiar with the topic. Comment on blogs and forums related to your business. You can even write a message on a competitor's blog to inform your potential customer base of your name. When posting these posts, be sure to always use your real name so that individuals in the community can begin to recognize your name. This will help you build a network where you can share your knowledge with others. A personal blog that will promote your brand. And help you build a good reputation online to create your own content for your website. Make sure to fill your site with interesting articles, blog posts and videos to catch the reader's attention. You need to have a website that appeals to potential customers, but you also need content that is attractive enough to keep it on your pages. Don't just talk about your area of expertise, if you can attract users based on interesting recipes or interesting videos, then you can get more applause. Share your article to your social media and always tag your real name so it appears in search results.

What should you do when you get a bad comment?

As you should know now, never counter a bad comment. Countering bad reviews looks small and is a reliable way to further damage your online reputation. How your response to a negative comment or comment explains your brand, so let's see how you respond in the unavoidable situation and your rating is not good. The first thing you should do is to read any negative comments about you or your business, it is very helpful to you, because if the problem is true, you can use it as a learning experience to help you make changes. What can you do to provide a better overall customer experience? Is this a customer service issue? What is their experience of dissatisfaction? Simply reading from their experience and understanding understanding will benefit your organizational improvement. When you're dealing with bad reviews, always apologize to those who experience negative experiences. Hear: Listen to what those who have negative experiences say. When a customer knows that you have listened, it often turns a negative experience into a positive experience. Empathy: Make it clear that you are sympathetic to their problems. Apology: An apology and sincerity are the most important. It seems that not apologizing is a way to alienate customers and lose their reputation. Solution: It is best to ask privately and what steps your company can take to resolve the issue in order to satisfy the customer. Diagnosis: Once you have mastered all the problems, take steps to solve the problem and avoid it. Nothing hurts corporate reputation more than a dissatisfaction in the eyes of consumers. As the premise comes, sometimes bad comments are false. In this case, it may be a competitor trying to smash your brand, or it may just be a negative person. If you can identify these false comments, you can actually report them to the hosting site. If the site finds that the comments are not true, then you can quickly delete them, which will help the business.
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